Our Family


Friday, November 9, 2012

Early Intervention

It's been 12 days since Liam's casts came off and he is doing better. He still hates it when we stretch his feet and ankles but tolerates us stretching them a litte further.  I still can't do things that involve loud sounds like using a vacuum, food mixer and things of that sort.  It just terrifies him to death.  Cast saws can be scary to any child let alone having pain involved every time the cast saw comes out.  With Liam every time the doctors cut his casts off Dr. Albanese would stretch his ankles to the point where it would hurt.  So understandably Liam associates loud sounds (like a saw) to pain. 
What a difference in his feet
Here is a bigger picture of each foot
Liam also had his first real bath this week since before the surgery.  Before the surgery Liam LOVED bath time.  Well lets just say this time around Liam screamed the whole time.  He absolutely hated bath time.  He will hopefully like it again......in theory lol.  Liam's first couple of weeks of getting baths he hated them but eventually liked them.  I am assuming he will end up liking them again.  It'll just take some time.

Yesterday(11/8) our service coordinator came to talk to us about Early Intervention for Liam.  To read about Early Intervention go HERE .  But in short it is a program to help children under 3 with disabilities, one being physical disabilities like Liam's.  Our service coordinator basically went over the whole program and did a bunch of paper work.  Sometime next week we will receive a phone call to set up an appointment for Liam's evaluation to be approved for E.I.  I am not to concerned that he wont be approved lol.  The nice thing about E.I is that it is all done at our house.  Definitely will force me to keep my house clean lol which isn't a bad thing. 

On a side note I was having a hard time finding a way to keep Liam's feet warm while outside and in public places.  Well,  I found a pair of slipper boats (GO TOYSTORY lol) that are working so far. They are a little too big for him and they don't go on all the way but if they work, who cares.

I love watching Liam move his toes around so I took a video of it for everyone else to fall in love with his feet lol.  Don't mind all the dead skin.  Still needs to fall off.

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