Our Family


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

You Know You're a Mom When....

I was taking a nice hot bath last night after Liam when down for the night and started coming up with you know you're a mom when.... and started to crack myself up.  So I decided to create this post for some comic relief on this blog.  So here it goes also feel free to add a comment to add to the list

You know you're a mom when........

*Taking a bath feels like a vacation
*Getting poop on your fingers no longer bothers you.  "It's just baby poop, no harm in that right?...."
*You can watch T.V. over a loud baby without it phasing you (99% of the time lol)
*You go to the store to buy something you need for yourself and come out with stuff for your son. (been going on for 10 months now....stupid bras lol)
*You can walk through the house in the middle of the night and somehow remember where all the toys where and never step on one
*Your 5 senses turn to 6.  It's like this direct line that allows you to hoan in mysteriously to your baby.  You have to experience it to know what I mean.  
*You get excited to play with your sons toys just as much as he/she does
*Christmas is a whole new ball game when you have kids.......you just can't stop getting Christmas gifts for your son (sorry babe lol)
*When you give your son a bath you instantly get one as well
*You get food sneezed all over you
*Getting puked on no longer grosses you out
*You no longer go see mom and dad, you go see grandma and grandpa
*Your house looks like the middle of a nuclear zone and you have no time to clean it
*You watch T.V. during nap times instead of cleaning to have mommy time
*You instantly like Gold Fish crackers when you HATED them before having kids
*You find yourself eating baby snacks
*You no longer call your beautiful husband babe, you call him papa all the time whether or not you realize it.
*You get more excited about new toys than your son does
*Your sense of worry goes up 1000%
*You feel this intense love that you've never felt before
*Everything you do is done with your son's needs at the top
*You no longer carry a purse because you carry a diaper bag
*You no longer wear heels because you are afraid you are going to fall with the baby
*Those 3 stairs looks like a cliff when papa is carrying your son
*When you see other kids throw fits you smile for two reason, one because you're happy it's not your kid and two because  you feel bad because you know what it's like
*You constantly sway when standing even when you're not holding your baby
*You have feeders mouth

This list goes on and on.  Now it's your turn.....feel free to comment and add your own

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