Our Family


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Braces

Latest update on Liam:

Liam had an appointment yesterday (1/8/2013) with his orthopedist and brace doctor which both went well. But let me start off with saying Liam's braces didn't really work right. Liam's feet kept slipping out of them. So needless to say they weren't doing there job and Dr. Albanese wasn't too happy with them when he looked at them yesterday. Like always Liam is terrified as soon as he sees Dr. Albanese. The fear of him stretching his ankles has been embedded in his head. Now this is mostly physiological because yesterday I was doing his daily stretching and I went slightly past 90 degrees and he barely fussed. Although Dr. Albanese and his physical therapist do stretch him a little bit further than I do but not much. The second he sees his therapist or any doctor he starts freaking out and with good cause. Since Liam sees so many people who stretch him or cause him some sort of pain like shots, I've realized he's starting to get nervous when random people and people he knows start coming around him. I'm praying that goes away because he never used to be this way. Now back to the actual update lol. After he saw Dr. Albanese we went upstairs to Hanger where his AFO's are made. Since Dr. Albanese wants them to be totally different they have to be sent to Washington state to be made whereas his current ones were made right in the office. Liam gets a whole new set braces. Hey, now he can get the Tornado pattern we wanted before lol. We are so lucky insurance covers it because we'd be up the creek if we had to pay for another set. His first set were $3,200 and I'm sure these are going to be more because they have to be sent out to be made. The brace person modified the braces he has now so we have something to help hold his ankles down until we get his new braces. So now his heels stay down and we don't really have much slippage. Why can't we keep these since they are working out? Well Dr. Albanese wants the braces to be past 90 degrees so we don't loose and progress in his ankles. So we'll see his braces in about 2 weeks.
Liam goes back to his orthopedist in 4 weeks to get his hips x-rayed to see where we stand with those. It's kind of scary thinking about his hips because that's whats weighing in the balance on whether or not he'll be able to walk some or at all. For those who pray for Liam we ask that you please pray that they aren't as bad as Dr. Albanese thought they were. It would be amazing and a miracle if Liam didn't need any kind of surgery to correct his hips. I'm not counting on it but it would be amazing lol.

Now something completely unrelated to orthopedic stuff. Liam has to see specialist # 5 because Liam's right eyelid keeps getting lazier as time goes by. Dr. Bright (primary doctor) wants him to see an eye specialist to make sure everything is ok. Her concern his that his lid could start laying across his pupil which could cause eye sight damage. We don't know when that appointment will be but we are trying to coordinate it with a time he has another appointment due to Andrew's work schedule. I am so lucky to have such an amazing husband who goes to ALL of Liam's appointments. Andrew hasn't missed a single appointment since Liam was born. Liam and I are so lucky to have such an amazing guy in our lives.

Again thank you everyone for your support. <3
Picture taken while waiting for his braces to be modified. Just click the image to make it larger.

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