Our Family


Saturday, December 1, 2012

A Difficult Post

Now I'm not the type of person to ask for help or money.  I am the type of girl who says I'll do it myself no matter what it is.  I don't even like asking my own husband for help.  I am just that stubborn.  If you are a mother or father you know the feeling of "I will do anything for my child".  You would give your own life if you had to.  You will put all uncomfortable feelings in a box if it meant helping your son or daughter.  Well this is me fighting to put away my extremely uncomfortable  feelings and fears away.  This is me putting my "what are people going to think of me?" aside.  I hate that I have to do this and I hate what people may think of me.  But this is my son I am talking about.  My pride and joy.  My life.  My all.  My reason to live.  You all know Liam can't move around.  His hips make it hard for him to crawl.  Liam can't explore at his own will.  Liam can't even go play with other kids at his own will.  We have to place him where we think he might like to be.  It never occurred to me until now.  Liam gets really fussy when we are home but if we are out and about he is as happy as can be.  It just occurred to me that he might be bored.  Think about yourself.  Would you like to sit in one area for too long?  Even with your toys (computer, cellphone, xbox) you would eventually get bored and go do something else.  Now think of kids, they are always on the go.  Getting into any and everything they can.  They learn, they explore.  You rarely see a baby who can crawl or walk sit still for very long. Their attention spand just isn't that long.  They want to know everything, feel everything and even taste everything lol.  Liam often seems frustrated with life at home.  We can give him books and toys up the wazoo.  We can place him in his bouncer, saucer and on his playmat but yet gets upset so soon after he is placed in an new area.  I see it in his eyes and I feel it in my heart that Liam wants to move around and explore.  We try and work with him to try and teach him how to crawl and even scoot.  We haven't had success yet.  I am hoping that one day he will get the hang of it and I'm sure he will.  Liam HATES being on his stomach.  He doesn't last more than 5 minutes on his stomach whether it's the frustration of not being able to move, or if it really does bother his joints or if he just plain out doesn't like it.  If Liam is on his stomach you can see him try and move his legs forward to crawl but can't move them enough.  He can only get them forward like an inch or so.  His right leg is stronger and to be honest I've never really seen him move his left leg forward. 

Photo taken from ZipZac facebook page.
Now you maybe asking me why I am writing this, well I'm going to tell you lol. I hate to do this but if it helps my son out I am willing to put all my fears aside and do it.  If I'm judged then so be it.  If it's weird who cares, all I care about is getting my son the mobility he deserves and wants.  If you are able to we ask that you please help donate to get Liam a ZipZac (you can click the the name to see what it is or look at the picture to the left).  I would never have done this but a dear friend of ours (Thank you Jenny) surprised us by setting up a  campaign to raise money to get Liam a ZipZac.  Someone asked if Early Intervention would get Liam one.  That is up in the air.  I can't remember who pointed this out to us but the ZipZac is not coded yet(they are working on getting it coded) so insurance companies definitely won't help with the costs and it might be hard to get the health department to help with the costs as well. Plus if we raise enough money to buy Liam one Early Intervention can save that money to help another family out who might not be as lucky as we are to have so many amazing friends and family. So this is us asking our friends and family to help get Liam mobile. If this is something you would like to do you can head over HERE to donate.  Again I HATE asking for help but would love any help we can get.  Liam is our pride and joy and with all he has been through this year he deserves something awesome to happen to him besides having awesome parents lol j/k.

I just want to thank everyone for their support this year.  It has been a tough one but has been more bearable with all of you guys.  Thank you so much for your love and support.

And thank you Jenny for being so kind to set up the campaign for Liam!

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