Our Family


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving #2 and Dreams

With being in the car for 2 hours heading towards Albany I decided I had some time to kill so here I am again writing.  I would of never thought in a million years I would be writing so much.  But here I am.

Since I've been with Andrew I have celebrated Thanksgiving with his family in Albany.  Normally we celebrate it on Thanksgiving Day but this year it was better to celebrate it on this day (11/24). This I am ok with since I felt like I was hit by a bus on Thanksgiving Day.  My bottom right wisdom tooth decided it wanted to make it's presence earlier this week.  Ibuprofen didn't seem to help so I took the pain meds my dentist gave me on Tuesday and that seemed to help and helped with sleeping too lol.  So on Wednesday night I took the ones from my c-section and wow did it screw me up Thursday morning.  My head hurt so bad to the point where I was dizzy, throwing up and had the shakes.  Yep those pills went in the garbage.  So needless to say I am glad we are going to Albany today.

Some hopes and dreams I have. Now before I start I know they won't happen and the dreams are a little to big at the moment but hey a girl can dream right? For months now I have envisioned Liam being able to play with kids at his birthday party all by himself.  For obvious reasons that can't happen.  Now this is just a dream lol but I was hoping Liam would be able to soley play with the other kids via the zipzac.  Now that can't happen because it's to late in the year and we are most likely having his party January 5th. Now I can see some people saying why can't it happen? Well I'll tell you why lol.  1. Simply because we dont have the money.  Liam would need the bigger zipzac (called the zipzac II ) and that costs about $1,100-$1,200 plus shipping.  2. We are still waiting on Early Intervention and sometimes they can help get them. Liam still hasn't had his assessment to get approved for E.I. We don't even have a date set yet either. Even if he gets approved for E.I and they do get him a zipzac it'll probably be too close to his b-day party to pick up how to use it.  But like I said its just dreams lol. 

On a side note Liams New favorite way to sleep is on his side.  This wouldn't normally be a problem but since Liam's hips are dislocated his leg really dangles. Liam wakes up more now (crying ) since laying on his side. I think his leg dangling bothers his joints causing discomfort.  Now I must find a way to safely keep him from rolling up on his side.  Until next time.... <3

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